Sunday, May 10, 2009

~ My greedy Mummy~

I wanted to celebrate my dearest mum on the day when I was born because that's the day when she became a mum. Before me.. She is everything but a mum. But she is greedy as she wants to be celebrated 3 times in a year which is today which is the official mother's day celebration, my birthday and my brother's birthday.
My brother is such a trooper coz he even messaged mummy on the same time when he was born which is at 1:39 am. Bwwwwuuuueeeeekkkkk... Bodek!!! hehehe.. Mummy was complaining coz I woke up late and that's why I messaged her a bit later.. ooooppppsssss... sorry mummy....

Anyway.. Today is a day to celebrate all the mother's in the world.

HaPPy MuMMy's Day!!!!

To mummy who had to endure 9 months of carrying me and I can't even imagine the labour pains that you went through... Yoooouuuuuzzzzzzaaaaaa!!!!
Thank you so much for taking care of me and for loving me unconditionally as it is a blessing that I've always had from the day that I was I born.
Not once did I ever feel unloved even when we're having our petty fights.
Huuuuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. I miss our petty fights. I think we got closer in a weird way because of those fights.
I know.. I know... Its a sin... hehe... But Mummy.. You forgive me right...

Oh ya... Not forgetting my other mums....

To all my beloved aunties whom I could also call my mum I would like to wish you a HaPPy Mother's Day as well. You might not give birth to me and also saved 9 months of pain but still..
I became your so called 'daughter' when I came into your life.
You didn't ask for me but I came anyway...
Nevertheless.. you greeted me with arms wide open..
Thanks for being a great aunty@mum to me..
Muuaaaaahhhhhhsssssssssss again....