Sunday, May 24, 2009

~ To All The Ants In MY House~

Especially the big black one... I don't mind if we're sharing a space... I mean.. I did mind at first

but since you guys had made your own community.. I welcome you with open arms...

But please...

We share a space.. You're freaking small.. So this whole house is like the whole of Melacca

therefore there is

more than enough space for you to roam around..

So why?? I ask you why my dearest ant friend... Why do you need to invade my privacy?

Why do you feel the need to take that I'm your Everest??? Why do you need to conquer me?

That doesn't mean that you can climb on me and make it as if I'm like a

fortress coz I'm not...

GET IT!!! I'M NOT!!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

~ You'll Know WheN... ~


We were watching License to Grill and he asked me to Google what cumin is.. So I did and the answer in Malay is jintan. But there is two kind which is jintan manis and jintan putih.. So I was telling him bout it.. He was saying "emmm.. and aahhhh". And this is the question I asked...

me: B... ade ke jintan ungu ek?

B: a'ah

me: ade ek jintan ungu.. ooooo.... wth!!!! jintan ungu!!! are you kidding me???!!!

that was when he realize he answered the wrong thing. giler kantoi!!! bwwwuuueeekkkkkk...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

~ Too Much Love.... ~

I think I have a problem..
I have too much love to give but too little to give around. I have this fetish of pinching or holding B's hands so tight for no particular reason...

I want a kitten so that I can smother him or her and B would love it if I could at least minimize smothering him instead.

I miss Krong Kreng.. He is the only cat that didn't scratch or scowl at you even if you're pinching him or smothering him till he is short of breath.. hehe.. Even all my friends wonder why he didn't run away from home from all the loving abuse that he've gotten.

But I guess god loves Krong Kreng more and wanted to stop his pain from me and therefore HE took him to heaven live in peace and harmony from me.

Muuuuaaaaaahhhhhhhssssssssss... I love you Krong Kreng.. You are the best cat that I could ever ask for and our memories will forever stay with me..
R.I.P in Cat's Heaven...

~ My greedy Mummy~

I wanted to celebrate my dearest mum on the day when I was born because that's the day when she became a mum. Before me.. She is everything but a mum. But she is greedy as she wants to be celebrated 3 times in a year which is today which is the official mother's day celebration, my birthday and my brother's birthday.
My brother is such a trooper coz he even messaged mummy on the same time when he was born which is at 1:39 am. Bwwwwuuuueeeeekkkkk... Bodek!!! hehehe.. Mummy was complaining coz I woke up late and that's why I messaged her a bit later.. ooooppppsssss... sorry mummy....

Anyway.. Today is a day to celebrate all the mother's in the world.

HaPPy MuMMy's Day!!!!

To mummy who had to endure 9 months of carrying me and I can't even imagine the labour pains that you went through... Yoooouuuuuzzzzzzaaaaaa!!!!
Thank you so much for taking care of me and for loving me unconditionally as it is a blessing that I've always had from the day that I was I born.
Not once did I ever feel unloved even when we're having our petty fights.
Huuuuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. I miss our petty fights. I think we got closer in a weird way because of those fights.
I know.. I know... Its a sin... hehe... But Mummy.. You forgive me right...

Oh ya... Not forgetting my other mums....

To all my beloved aunties whom I could also call my mum I would like to wish you a HaPPy Mother's Day as well. You might not give birth to me and also saved 9 months of pain but still..
I became your so called 'daughter' when I came into your life.
You didn't ask for me but I came anyway...
Nevertheless.. you greeted me with arms wide open..
Thanks for being a great aunty@mum to me..
Muuaaaaahhhhhhsssssssssss again....

Friday, May 8, 2009

~ PERV!!!! ~

My bestfriend is a perv.. As if that's new la kan... But this is new coz she had a crush on one of our friend's brother thanks to his good looks. You can't blame her because the last time we saw him he hasn't even hit puberty. NOW HE'S A MAN!!!! The tall, dark and handsome kind. Ooooooo.... We likey... Guess the difference of one or two years is not as apparent as when we were a kid.

But then again.. Jas is not as a perv as when I was 12.. This is the most pervy story ever for me as I had once had a crush on my dentist. To make it worst is that its her dad... Hello!!!! How am I suppose to know that he is even married. Let alone have a daughter which is the same age as me.

How ironic it is that we became bestfriend... I could have been her mum instead.. hahahaha... yeah rite!!!!